| 1. | In data security , an unauthorized disclosure or loss of sensitive information 数据安全中指非授权的泄露或掉失了敏感的信息。 |
| 2. | The offences relating to unauthorized disclosure mainly affect public servants and government contractors 非法披露罪主要影响公务人员和政府承办商。 |
| 3. | Unlawful disclosure of information obtained by virtue of official position or unauthorized disclosure 非法披露凭藉其公职身分或透过未经授权披露而取得的资料。 |
| 4. | The safeguards that exist in respect of the current offence of unauthorized disclosure will apply to the new offence 现时就非法披露罪所设的保障,将同样适用于新订罪行。 |
| 5. | Some commentators call for a public interest defence in relation to unauthorized disclosures of official secrets 有评论者认为应就未获授权披露官方机密,引进公众利益抗辩。 |
| 6. | The sql server 2005 database engine helps you protect data from unauthorized disclosure and tampering Sql server 2005数据库引擎可以帮助您保护数据免受未经授权的泄漏和篡改。 |
| 7. | Containing information , the unauthorized disclosure of which poses the gravest threat to national security 绝密极其保密的信息,任何不经许可的揭密都会对国家安全造成最严重的危胁 |
| 8. | The four categories of information , and the kind of harm that could be caused by their unauthorized disclosure , are as follows - 该四类受保护资料以及未经授权披露该等资料可能造成的损害包括 |
| 9. | The exception relates to unauthorized disclosures of security or intelligence information by members of the security and intelligence services 这个例外情况涉及保安和情报部门成员非法披露保安或情报资料。 |
| 10. | If you are concerned about unauthorized disclosure of data , you can use the encrypting file system to encrypt specific files and folders 如果担心数据被窃取,可以使用加密文件系统( efs )对特定文件和文件夹进行加密。 |